Week 3 SEO in a nutshell

 For this week we learn about how to best get your blog seen read and shared. There are probably hundreds of thousands of blogs out there and any type of information that you're interested in you can more than likely read about it online somewhere. But the question still stands. How do I get more people to see my blog? Well, there are a couple things you would need to review. Is the blog easy to read, does it answer the right questions in a clear manner, does it have pictures and look appealing to the eye? And blogs don't necessarily have to always be answering a question, they can simply just be a place to write down and comment on topics about anything. To me, I think the coolest part about blogs is that they connect people from all around the world to talk about topics and ideas, conspiracies, events, literally anything. For the author of the blog, for them to get the traffic that they want they have to thoroughly think about what they are going to write. To me the easiest blogs to comment on are the ones that don't necessarily pick a side and make it sound like they won't budge on their opinion, especially if I disagree, it gives me the type of feeling that it's honestly probably better to not comment. The writer should be open to suggestions since they are posting a blog, a place where people should come to talk about what you're writing. Learning about this topic this week has helped me learn how to make my blogs even better and I'm looking forward to continuing it. 
