Week 2 Post 2: Inbound

 This week's second post is about Hubspot and what inbound is. I read in the book that inbound is something businesses use as a tool to create and build better relationships with customers. It sounds like a really interesting idea with a cool name too. I think what's most important about inbound is that it is something the customers need but they don't know they need it. A relationship between producer and consumer can create healthy long-term outcomes. From attracting the current customer on a regular basis or gaining new customers from reviews and reputation. The more customers that you can help the more those customers will go out and share good things about the company. It is a domino effect that can build you up as well as bring you down. If your inbound initiation is poor then those customers that had the poor experience will most likely share that with other potential customers, in cause leading you to lose out on opportunities. But if you understand the fundamentals about Inbound and Hubspot and you put your skills to use then I believe only good things will come out of using this practice.
